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  • Writer's picturejerleena christelle

5 Things to Do In The Morning To Set Yourself Up For A Happy Day

Mornings have very quickly become my favourite part of the day. They are the one that keeps me going throughout the entire lockdown… the kind that leaves you feeling refreshed and ready to take on the rest of the day or even the next day to come around. Needless to say, lockdown has recently changed my morning routine and thinking now is the perfect time to share mine for you to look on easing yourself back into a routine that may feel more structured.

Here’s how I’m making most of my time at home to set up for a happy day!

8:00 AM: Have a healthy wake-up

My morning usually starts by waking up through the blinding sunlight or my full bladder (which is not quite pleasing). I mostly wake up at the same time every week, but I try not to be harsh on myself with it. Don’t get me wrong as I still check through my phone in the morning but knowing that I’m still in control to lessen it. Here are a few things you can try to get you up and going through the morning:

Drink water first thing in the morning. Put a glass of water on your room table in the evening so you can have to get up in the morning to have a drink. I find once I’m out of bed, I’m up for the day. Don’t forget to take a sip every time you come by a water cooler.

FACT: If you’re thirsty, you’re already dehydrated.

Make your bed. Feel accomplished in the morning by ticking one task at a time.

Reduce screen time. To resist my morning scroll, I commit not to look at my phone at least 30 minutes the moment I wake up and proceed right away on to my next routine. All that work can wait, and your mood (and peace of mind) deserves a break.

8:45 AM: Gratitude Attitude

It’s really important to set time aside for the things you are grateful for– time where you can just be at peace and in control with your feelings.

Practice Daily Gratitude. My favourite time of the day where I can be in the moment with my thoughts. It’s good to practice asking yourself to list three things of what are you thankful for, and before you know it instantly changes your attitude.

Meditate. Our busy minds never stop to wander the moment we wake up, so it’s helpful if you can be still and grounded on your own, whether while lying on your bed or sitting comfortably for the following 15 minutes and just focus on your breathing. Meditation enhances your focus and empathy.

9:00 AM: Get moving

I like to squeeze exercise on my morning routine as I feel more energized afterward, plus there isn’t that much to do, and it makes me feel more accomplished and achieved something. It’s just all finding what works for you. For me, I like to switch things up throughout the week:

Go for a short walk. Reap the mental, physical, and emotional benefits of a daily walk while practicing physical distancing.

Make Sure to Stretch. Increase your flexibility and keeps you more awake.

Exercise. Energize your body and sharpen your mind.

10:00 AM: Eat Great Breakfast

Fuel your body by having the most important meal of the day. I like having a smoothie bowl in the morning especially after I work out. It just gives you that boost out of all the good nutrients into your body. Remember that your body is a temple, so eat whole foods and thrive!

11:00 AM: Morning Pages

Make a to-do-list. A mind dump to declutter your brain. Start with something small and achievable to get those boosts to go on and get more done. Don’t forget the daily essentials you have already done like making your bed or your skincare routine!

Read. In a world of omnipresent screens, it can be easy to forget the simple pleasure of curling up with a good book. The book I’m currently loving is ‘Untamed’ by Glennon Doyle.

Just remember that it is not every day that I’ll accomplish all of my routines. Some days might be pretty-laid-back vibes or a whole lot of scrolling through my phone. Sink and feel what your body is telling you and whether it be a cheat day or a productive one, it’s totally fine!

So, that’s kinda my morning routine done. Tell me in the comment section below what does your routine look like? Is it similar at all or do all nothingness kinda routine? Whichever is which it’s all okay!

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